Whole Outa Love with Led Zeppelin and Jimi Hendrix

London you make me foolish, finding unusual places in crazy times to pictures of rock bands but sometimes it’s fair to play the game, especially when the band is called Led Zeppelin.

London, tu me rends tellement folle à trouver des lieux étonnants, dans des heures inadéquates pour redonner une part de rock’n roll à tes quartiers. Mais parfois, le groupe s’appelle Led Zeppelin et là, le jeu en vaut mille fois la chandelle. 

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Pigs can fly in summertime with the Pink Floyd

You know what I did last summer. Hanging out on brick roads of Manchester, without losing sight of my loving London. But as I was deeply missing the industrial feeling of northern cities I went to South London. I know it is quite surprising-crossing the river. Yet it was my way of perfectly marvelling at the dark side of the moon.

Souviens-toi l’été dernier ! Je traînais dans les artères en briques rouges de Manchester, sans nier mon amour sans fin pour toi, Londres. Comme ce qu’on appelle the North teinté d’industrialisation feutrée me manquait affreusement, me voilà encore en vadrouille cap vers … le sud de Londres. Oui je sais, traverser la rivière quelle idée ! Mais c’était le chemin idéal pour explorer the Dark Side of the Moon

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Love life is BLURry in London, do you need anyone?

Some told me : Resolution #2 Not to fall in love (with some you shouldn’t’ve) But with the Blur night routine, I don’t know anymore. As I saw some ghosts in central London.

Il y a quelqu’un qui m’a dit : Résolution n°2, ne pas tomber amoureuse (de quelqu’un qu’il ne faudrait pas). Mais en suivant les habitudes nocturnes de Blur, me voilà incertaine et douteuse, surtout après ma rencontre avec les fantômes du passé au centre ville.  Continue reading “Love life is BLURry in London, do you need anyone?”

Merchandising : War is not over between the Beatles and the Stones

They are called « Rock’s grandpas » or the « Fabulous Four ». These sweet nicknames still describe the two biggest bands of the United Kingdom : the Rolling Stones and The Beatles. Two bands very far from each other in birth place and style. The legend keeps saying that these differences drove the boys to music rivalry. That what the myth remembers. After decades, « When they are 50 », does the quarrel calm down ? The Beatles’ albums’ reissued at the same time as the Best of the Rolling Stone is maybe a clue. They keep competing on the marketing front. Between Abbey Road and Carnarby Street, tensions are high in the fan base. 


The lonely and parked Mystery Magic vinyl bus 
switched on the celebration of 21st of November. 

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